Registration Now Open
Please direct any questions to [email protected].
April 9th, 2025
Same Location as 2024!!!
Seneca One Tower
Buffalo, New York
Featured Speakers
Patrick Nelson
Humanizing Safety – A roadmap for organization safety through individual empowerment.
Leveraging a battle-tested Safety Leadership strategy that has resulted in a 57% reduction in the TRIR (Total Recordable Incident Rate) for Fortune 500 organizations, Patrick will give your safety and operational leaders a playbook to make safety personal and a driver of workplace excellence.

Doug Marcello, ESQ
Doug Marcello is a trucking defense attorney with a CDL. He represents trucking clients across the country, having been specially admitted for cases in 35 states
His firm works with companies to prepare for accident response, respond 24/7 when accidents occur, and aggressively defend lawsuits against trucking companies and their drivers.
Doug has written articles and made a multitude of presentations about the legal aspects of trucking.
Doug will discuss (step by step) how to protect your company and your drivers from costly litigation and lawsuits resulting from motor incidents and accidents.